gh-pages / com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.logger / OverlayLogger


interface OverlayLogger (source)

An overlay logger is a floating semi-transparent TextView that will display the .toString() of a function, property, or class.

They are contextually aware if created via @DeveloperLogger (managed by OverlayLogging) and will appear/disappear when in context (if the annotation is within an Activity or Fragment).

See Also




Name Summary
configurationOptions abstract val configurationOptions: List<UiField<*>>
Additional configuration options for this overlay.
enabled abstract var enabled: Boolean
Enabled state of this logger. Delegates to OverlayWindow.enabled.
overlay abstract val overlay: OverlayWindow
The overlay instance used by this logger.
refreshRate abstract var refreshRate: Long
How frequently this overlay should update (in milliseconds). (default: 1000)
visibilityScope abstract var visibilityScope: VisibilityScope
Determines when an overlay can be visible. Delegates to OverlayWindow.visibilityScope.


Name Summary
resetPositionAndState abstract fun resetPositionAndState(): Unit
Reset the position and state to its initial default values and clear its preferences.
start abstract fun start(): Unit
Add this logger to the window and start updating.
stop abstract fun stop(): Unit
Stop this logger and remove it from the window.