gh-pages / com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.dagger2 / useAutomaticDagger2Injector
var useAutomaticDagger2Injector:
Flag to indicate if the default heavy-reflection based Dagger 2 injector should be used.
For small/simple projects the default would probably be fine, but for larger projects the reflection may take its toll.
For implementing your own (slightly more efficient) see the demo project DemoInstanceProvider
This value can be disabled at any time - it can not be re-enabled without reinitializing DevFun.
Alternatively use @Dagger2Component
on your functions/properties (or @get:Dagger2Component
for property getters)
that return components to tell DevFun where to find them (they can be whatever/where ever; static, in your app class,
activity class, etc).
See Also