gh-pages / com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view

Package com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view


Name Summary
InvokeParameterView interface InvokeParameterView : WithLabel
Parameter views rendered for the Invoke UI will be wrapped with this type (to provide a label etc.).
ValueSource interface ValueSource<out V : Any>
Used in conjunction with From or Values to provide the Invoke UI with an initial value or set of values.
WithLabel interface WithLabel
View used with the Invoke UI will automatically be wrapped and be given a label unless they provide their own with this interface.
WithValue interface WithValue<T>
Views used with the Invoke UI should implement this to ensure the correct value is obtainable upon invocation.


Name Summary
ColorPicker annotation class ColorPicker
Annotated Int value parameters will render a color picker view rather than an input/edit for use with invoke UI.
From annotation class From
Annotate parameters with this specifying a ValueSource class to initialize invoke views with an initial value.
Ranged annotation class Ranged
Used to restrict the range of a Number for user input. Using this will render a slider rather than a text view.
Values annotation class Values
Annotate parameters with this specifying an Iterable class to initialize invoke views with a list of values.