gh-pages / com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view / Ranged


@Target([AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER]) annotation class Ranged (source)

Used to restrict the range of a Number for user input. Using this will render a slider rather than a text view.

Behind the scenes this is scaling the value range within 0 → 100 (via SeekBar). Thus if you want a small range (e.g. 0 → 1 for say a color value), then you should use to = 255.0 and then normalize it.


fun setRed(@Ranged(from = 0.0, to = 255.0) red: Int) {
    val redPct = red / 255f
    val someRedColor = Color.rgb(redPct, 0, 0) // pretend rgb() can't take ints...

Using this on anything other than a Number will do nothing.


Name Summary
<init> Ranged(from: Double = 0.0, to: Double = 100.0)
Used to restrict the range of a Number for user input. Using this will render a slider rather than a text view.


Name Summary
from val from: Double
Minimum value (inclusive).
to val to: Double
Maximum value (inclusive).