gh-pages / com.nextfaze.devfun.reference

Package com.nextfaze.devfun.reference


Name Summary
Dagger2ComponentProperties interface Dagger2ComponentProperties
Properties interface for @Dagger2Component.
Dagger2Scope enum class Dagger2Scope
Some range of scopes for use with Dagger2Component. Priority is based on their ordinal value (higher = broader scope).
DeveloperLoggerProperties interface DeveloperLoggerProperties
Properties interface for @DeveloperLogger.
DeveloperReferenceProperties interface DeveloperReferenceProperties
Properties interface for @DeveloperReference.
FieldReference interface FieldReference : ReferenceDefinition
A reference to a field generated by DeveloperReference.
MethodReference interface MethodReference : ReferenceDefinition
A reference to a method generated by DeveloperReference.
ReferenceDefinition interface ReferenceDefinition
Defines references to annotations that are annotated DeveloperReference.
TypeReference interface TypeReference : ReferenceDefinition
A reference to a type generated by DeveloperReference.
WithProperties interface WithProperties<T : Any>
Declares a definition that has properties associated with it. The type will be AnnotationNameProperties.


Name Summary
Dagger2Component annotation class Dagger2Component
Annotated functions (fun, properties, or property getters (@get:Dagger2Component)) will be checked/used as Dagger 2 components.
DeveloperLogger annotation class DeveloperLogger
Annotated references will be rendered as an overlay.
DeveloperReference annotation class DeveloperReference
Annotated elements will be recorded by DevFun for later retrieval via devFun.developerReferences<DeveloperReference>().


Name Summary
getProperties fun <T : Any> ReferenceDefinition.getProperties(): T
Utility function to get the properties of a ReferenceDefinition of type T. Will throw if types are invalid.
withProperties fun <T : Any> ReferenceDefinition.withProperties(): T?
Utility function to potentially get the properties of a ReferenceDefinition of type T.