gh-pages / com.nextfaze.devfun.reference / Dagger2Component


@Target([AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION]) annotation class Dagger2Component (source)

Annotated functions (fun, properties, or property getters (@get:Dagger2Component)) will be checked/used as Dagger 2 components.

If all scope and priority are unset/default then a best-guess will be made based on where the reference is.


See Also



Name Summary
<init> Dagger2Component(scope: Dagger2Scope = UNDEFINED, priority: Int = 0, isActivityRequired: Boolean = false, isFragmentActivityRequired: Boolean = false)
Annotated functions (fun, properties, or property getters (@get:Dagger2Component)) will be checked/used as Dagger 2 components.


Name Summary
isActivityRequired val isActivityRequired: Boolean
Here if for whatever reason you can’t/don’t want to use scope - will only be used if scope is UNDEFINED and priority is non-zero.
isFragmentActivityRequired val isFragmentActivityRequired: Boolean
Here if for whatever reason you can’t/don’t want to use scope - will only be used if scope is UNDEFINED and priority is non-zero.
priority val priority: Int
Here if for whatever reason you can’t/don’t want to use scope - will only be used if scope is UNDEFINED.
scope val scope: Dagger2Scope
The scope of this component.