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All Types
Name | Summary |
---|---| | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.AbstractDevFunModule | Implementation of DevFunModule providing various convenience functions. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.httpd.AbstractUriHandler | | (extensions in package | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.ActivityProvider | Function signature of DevFun’s activity tracker/provider. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.ActivityTracker | Activity tracker that provides the currently (resumed) activity if present. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.AndroidInstanceProvider | | | |
java.lang.Appendable (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.string) | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.Args | Nested annotation for declaring the arguments of a function invocation. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.ArgsProperties | Properties interface for @Args. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.ArgumentsTransformer | A function transformer that tells DevFun how to generate functions for annotation-defined arguments. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.AttachListener | |
wiki.Background | Background and History | | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.CacheLevel | Controls how aggressively the CompositeInstanceProvider caches the sources of class instances. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.CapturingInstanceProvider | An instance provider that requests an instance of a class from a captured lambda. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.category.CategoryDefinition | Classes annotated with DeveloperCategory will be defined using this interface at compile time. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.category.CategoryItem | Items are derived from CategoryDefinition at run-time during FunctionDefinition processing. |
java.lang.Class (extensions in package | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.ClassInstanceNotFoundException | Exception thrown when attempting to provide a type that was not found from any InstanceProvider. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.ClickListener | | | Controls the floating cog overlay. |
kotlin.collections.Collection (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.types) | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.ColorPicker | Annotated Int value parameters will render a color picker view rather than an input/edit for use with invoke UI. |
wiki.Components | DevFun is designed to be modular, in terms of both its dependencies (limiting impact to main source tree) and its plugin-like architecture. ![]() |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.Composite | Use by providers to facilitate user provided types T to the composting provider. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.CompositeInstanceProvider | Instance provider that delegates to other providers. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.CompositeParameterViewFactoryProvider | A ParameterViewFactoryProvider that delegates to other providers. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.view.CompositeViewFactoryProvider | A ViewFactoryProvider that delegates to other providers. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.Constructable | Tag to allow classes to be instantiated when no other InstanceProvider was able to provide the class. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.ConstructableException | Thrown when ConstructingInstanceProvider fails to create a new instance of a class. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.ConstructingInstanceProvider | Provides objects via instance construction. Type must be annotated with Constructable. |
android.content.Context (extensions in package | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.category.ContextCategory | DeveloperCategory annotation used to declare the “Context” category. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.Dagger2Component | Annotated functions (fun , properties, or property getters (@get:Dagger2Component )) will be checked/used as Dagger 2 components. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.Dagger2ComponentProperties | Properties interface for @Dagger2Component. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.dagger2.Dagger2InstanceProvider | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.Dagger2Scope | Some range of scopes for use with Dagger2Component. Priority is based on their ordinal value (higher = broader scope). |
com.nextfaze.devfun.compiler.DaggerProcessor | Base AbstractProcessor class with Dagger support. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.DebugException | This will not be caught by the standard DevFun error handler. |
wiki.Dependency Injection | DevFun supports a rudimentary form of dependency injection using an InstanceProvider (a CompositeInstanceProvider at DevFun.instanceProviders). |
com.nextfaze.devfun.compiler.DevAnnotationProcessor | Annotation processor for DeveloperAnnotation to generate properties interfaces. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.DevFun | Primary entry point and initializer of DevFun and associated libraries. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.gradle.plugin.DevFunExtension | Gradle DSL for configuring DevFun. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.generated.DevFunGenerated | Generated classes will implement this, which will be loaded using Java’s ServiceLoader. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.gradle.plugin.DevFunGradlePlugin | The DevFun Gradle plugin. Allows use of the script configuration DSL. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.DevFunInitializerProvider | Used to automatically initialize DevFun without user input. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.DevFunModule | Modules that extend/use the functionality of DevFun. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.compiler.DevFunProcessor | Annotation processor for DeveloperAnnotation annotated annotations. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.httpd.DevHttpD | | | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.stetho.DevStetho | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.DeveloperAnnotation | Annotation used to by DevFun to “tag” references to other DevFun/developer -related annotations. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.DeveloperArguments | An alternative to DeveloperFunction that allows you to provide arguments for multiple invocations. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.DeveloperArgumentsProperties | Properties interface for @DeveloperArguments. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.category.DeveloperCategory | This annotation is optional, and is used to change the category’s name/order or the group of the functions defined in this class. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.category.DeveloperCategoryProperties | Properties interface for @DeveloperCategory. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.DeveloperFunction | Functions/methods annotated with this will be shown on the Developer Menu (and other modules). |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.DeveloperFunctionProperties | Properties interface for @DeveloperFunction. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.DeveloperLogger | Annotated references will be rendered as an overlay. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.DeveloperLoggerProperties | Properties interface for @DeveloperLogger. | | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.DeveloperProperty | An annotation that, when used on Kotlin properties, allows DevFun to provide the means of getting/setting properties on the fly. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.DeveloperPropertyProperties | Properties interface for @DeveloperProperty. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.DeveloperReference | Annotated elements will be recorded by DevFun for later retrieval via devFun.developerReferences<DeveloperReference>() . |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.DeveloperReferenceProperties | Properties interface for @DeveloperReference. | (extensions in package | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.Dock | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.error.ErrorDetails | Details/information of an error. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.error.ErrorHandler | Handles errors that occur during/throughout DevFun. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.simple.ErrorParameterView | A simple view that should tell the user if a view could not be injected/rendered. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.exception.ExceptionCategoryDefinition | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.exception.ExceptionCategoryItem | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.exception.ExceptionFunctionDefinition | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.exception.ExceptionFunctionItem | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.exception.ExceptionInvokeResult | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.FieldReference | A reference to a field generated by DeveloperReference. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.FocusChangeListener | Function signature of a listener for Window focus changes. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.ForegroundChangeListener | Function signature of callbacks for foreground status changes. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.ForegroundTracker | Application foreground state tracker. | (extensions in package | | (extensions in package | | (extensions in package | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.From | Annotate parameters with this specifying a ValueSource class to initialize invoke views with an initial value. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.FunctionArgs | Definition for user-supplied arguments (usually supplied from a FunctionTransformer). |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.FunctionDefinition | Functions/methods annotated with DeveloperFunction will be defined using this interface at compile time. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.FunctionInvoke | Definition of generated function to call that invokes the function definition. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.FunctionItem | Items are converted from FunctionDefinition at run-time via FunctionTransformer. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.FunctionTransformer | Function transformers filter and/or convert a FunctionDefinition to FunctionItem. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.utils.glide.GlideUtils | Utility functions for Glide. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.httpd.HttpDRouter | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.httpd.frontend.HttpFrontEnd | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.dagger2.InjectFromDagger2 | This module adds rudimentary support for searching Dagger 2.x component graphs for object instances. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.simple.InjectedParameterView | A simple view that should tell the user if a parameter is being injected. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.compiler.Injector | Dagger injector for DaggerProcessor. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.InstanceProvider | Provides object instances for one or more types. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.InvokeParameterView | Parameter views rendered for the Invoke UI will be wrapped with this type (to provide a label etc.). |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.InvokeResult | Function invocations will be wrapped by this. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.Invoker | Used to invoke a FunctionItem or UiFunction and automatically handles parameter injection and errors. |
kotlin.reflect.KClass (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.inject) | |
kotlin.reflect.KClass (extensions in package | |
kotlin.reflect.KClass (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal) | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.pref.KNullablePreference | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.KObjectInstanceProvider | Handles Kotlin object and companion object types. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.pref.KPreference | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.pref.KSharedPreferences | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.KeyEventListener | Function signature of a listener for Window key events. | | Allows toggling the Developer Menu using button/key sequences. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.gradle.plugin.KotlinGradlePlugin | The DevFun Kotlin Gradle plugin. Configures the KAPT options. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.utils.leakcanary.LeakCanaryUtils | Utility functions for Leak Canary. |
wiki.Lifecycle | An overview of the lifecycle of the KAPT generation to runtime transformation and function invocation process. |
org.slf4j.Logger (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.log) | |
java.lang.reflect.Member (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.reflect) | | | | | The view type/key used by DevMenu to find/inflate the menu header view. |
java.lang.reflect.Method (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal) | |
java.lang.reflect.Method (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke) | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.MethodReference | A reference to a method generated by DeveloperReference. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.pref.OnChange | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.OnClick | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.logger.OnClick | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.core.OnInitialized | Callback signature if/when DevFun has been initialized. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.logger.OverlayLogger | An overlay logger is a floating semi-transparent TextView that will display the .toString() of a function, property, or class. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.logger.OverlayLogging | Handles the creation, maintenance, and permissions of OverlayLogger instances. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.OverlayManager | Handles creation, destruction, and visibility of overlays. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.OverlayPermissionListener | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.OverlayPermissions | Handles overlay permissions. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.OverlayReason | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.OverlayWindow | Overlay windows are used by DevFun to display the loggers DeveloperLogger and DevMenu cog. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.stetho.Page | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.Parameter | Effectively just a wrapper for KParameter to allow libraries to use it without declaring a dependency on the kotlin-reflect lib. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.ParameterViewFactoryProvider | A factory that creates views based on parameter attributes to be used when invoking a function with non-injectable parameter types. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.PropertyTransformer | A function transformer that tells DevFun how to render Kotlin properties. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.Ranged | Used to restrict the range of a Number for user input. Using this will render a slider rather than a text view. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.ReferenceDefinition | Defines references to annotations that are annotated DeveloperReference. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.ReflectedMethod | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.ReflectedProperty | |
wiki.Setup and Initialization | Compiler configuration and initialization process. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.error.SimpleError | Convenience class that implements ErrorDetails and automatically time stamps it. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.SimpleFunctionItem | Convenience class for FunctionItem to extend from, providing standard equals and hashCode implementations. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.SimpleInvoke | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.function.SingleFunctionTransformer | The default transformer. Effectively just wraps the FunctionDefinition to a FunctionItem (1:1). |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.string.Span | |
android.text.SpannableStringBuilder (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.string) | |
kotlin.String (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal) | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.prop.ThreadLocalDelegate | |
kotlin.Throwable (extensions in package com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.exception) | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.inject.ThrowingInstanceProvider | Same as InstanceProvider, but throws ClassInstanceNotFoundException instead of returning null . |
wiki.Transformers | TODO |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.TypeReference | A reference to a type generated by DeveloperReference. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.UiButton | Describes a dialog button for use with UiFunction to be rendered via the DevFun Invocation UI. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.UiField | Utility interface to easily generate an invoke UI/dialog. (experimental) |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.UiFunction | Describes a function to be executed via the DevFun Invocation UI. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.logger.UpdateCallback | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.ValueSource | Used in conjunction with From or Values to provide the Invoke UI with an initial value or set of values. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.Values | Annotate parameters with this specifying an Iterable class to initialize invoke views with a list of values. |
android.view.View (extensions in package | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.view.ViewFactory | Used by DevFun to inflate views when needed. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.view.ViewFactoryProvider | Provides ViewFactory instances for some class type/key. |
android.view.ViewGroup (extensions in package | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.VisibilityListener | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.VisibilityPredicate | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.overlay.VisibilityScope | Determines when an overlay can be visible. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.prop.WeakProperty | |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.WindowCallbacks | Handles wrapping and posting Window events throughout an app’s life. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.WithInitialValue | Parameter objects that implement this will use the value provided by WithInitialValue.value rather than checking for an @From annotation. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.WithKParameter | Parameter objects that implement this will have their values backed by a native function parameter description. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.WithLabel | View used with the Invoke UI will automatically be wrapped and be given a label unless they provide their own with this interface. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.types.WithMask | This is an experimental feature. TODO? Could inline classes be a cleaner way of doing this given most of Android’s flags are Int/Long values? |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.WithNullability | Parameter objects that implement this will can be nullable. |
com.nextfaze.devfun.reference.WithProperties | Declares a definition that has properties associated with it. The type will be AnnotationNameProperties . |
com.nextfaze.devfun.internal.WithSubGroup | When implemented by a FunctionItem the DevMenu will render a sub-group for it. Not explicitly intended for public use - primarilyhere as a “fix/workaround” for #19 (where Context overrides the user defined group) |
com.nextfaze.devfun.invoke.view.WithValue | Views used with the Invoke UI should implement this to ensure the correct value is obtainable upon invocation. |