gh-pages / com.nextfaze.devfun.inject / ConstructingInstanceProvider


class ConstructingInstanceProvider : InstanceProvider (source)

Provides objects via instance construction. Type must be annotated with Constructable.

Only supports objects with a single constructor. Constructor arguments will fetched using param rootInstanceProvider.

If Constructable.singleton is true or type is annotated @Singleton then only one instance will be created and shared.


rootInstanceProvider - An instance provider used to fetch constructor args. If null, then self (this) is used

requireConstructable - Flag indicating if a type must be Constructable to be instantiable

Internal Visible for testing - use at your own risk.


Name Summary
<init> ConstructingInstanceProvider(rootInstanceProvider: InstanceProvider? = null, requireConstructable: Boolean = true)
Provides objects via instance construction. Type must be annotated with Constructable.


Name Summary
requireConstructable var requireConstructable: Boolean
Flag indicating if a type must be Constructable to be instantiable


Name Summary
get fun <T : Any> get(clazz: KClass<out T>): T?
Try to get an instance of some <T : Any> get(clazz: KClass<out T>, requireConstructable: Boolean): T?
toString fun toString(): String